Meet the CSEP Mentor Leadership Program Fellows!

Picture of Annette Hilton
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2024 Fellow: Annette Hilton

By Kate - March 23, 2024

Bio: Annette Hilton is a 5th year PhD Candidate in the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management. Her research investigates groundwater change over time in the United States, the restoration of historical water data, and the development of a new tracer in catchment hydrology (field-based). Annette has mentored over a dozen undergraduate students at UCSB and considers mentorship to be one of her biggest passions.

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Picture of Annette Hilton
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2024 Fellow: Annette Hilton

By Kate - March 23, 2024

Bio: Annette Hilton is a 5th year PhD Candidate in the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management. Her research investigates groundwater change over time in the United States, the restoration of historical water data, and the development of a new tracer in catchment hydrology (field-based). Annette has mentored over a dozen undergraduate students at UCSB and considers mentorship to be one of her biggest passions.

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2023 Fellow: Allison Chau

By Harry - February 9, 2023

Bio: Allison is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Materials Department in the Interfacial Engineering Lab of Professor Angela Pitenis. Her current research focuses on tuning the mechanical and tribological properties of hydrogels through polymerization conditions and external stimuli (e.g., light, pH).

Read more2023 Fellow: Allison Chau